For property owners or landlords whose previous tenants or occupants were hoarders, we understand how overwhelming it can be to find your property in such a disarray. Our hoarding clean up consultant recommends that you hire a professional clean up technician, like our services, to ensure that the property is fit for occupancy or marketability. Without properly cleaning the property could result in the loss of rental income or sale ability. We offer a complete extreme cleaning packages to ensure the residence is ready for occupancy. Our extreme hoarding clean up package includes complete cleaning and debris removal, disinfecting services, safe removal of bio-hazardous waste, and much more. Our hoarding clean up technician’s goal is to make your property clean and hazardous free for the next tenants or buyers of your property.
Our hoarding clean up consultants will discuss each and every step our professional and experienced technicians will do upon their arrival to the site. We understand how difficult this may be, and our hoarding clean up technicians will follow the wishes of the client. Upon arrival at the hoarding site, our hoarding clean up technicians will discuss a plan which typically includes, but is not limited to, sorting individual property into four piles – keeping, selling, donating, and waste. Then, we start executing the cleaning process. This process includes discarding remaining clutter, lawfully disposing hazardous waste, disinfect the property of toxins, mold and/or bacteria and much more. Once everything has been sorted and clean, we then help reorganize the personal property. Our professional hoarding clean up technicians are here to help clean up and organizing your property into a state that is sanitary and hazardous free.
Due to the nature of these jobs, a estimate will require a technician to evaluate the property onsite. Get started today with a FREE estimate!